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Holiday houses in Figueres & holiday apartments in Figueres

  • Pool villa for up to eight people on Fuerteventura.
    Bathing fun the whole year round

    ​Canaries | The swimming pool here can be used the whole year round, since the Canary Islands are well-known for their constant and pleasant temperatures.

    Per week from USD 617

    show 1,003 offers
  • 2/3
    Vacation with your dog

    ​Spain | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and eventful holiday.

    Per week from USD 439

    show 7,672 offers
  • Pool villa for eight people above Denia.
    Holiday with your own pool

    Spain | The best way to lend a little “something extra” to your Spanish holiday is with your own pool. Make a spontaneous decision as to whether you want to go to the beach or prefer to enjoy the privacy here.

    Per week from USD 537

    show 8,331 offers
  • Canaries | Jump into the cool water
    1,003 offers

  • ​Spain | Vacation with your dog
    7,672 offers

  • Spain | Holiday with your own pool
    8,331 offers

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Location reviews

Total rating of Figueres

4.2 out of 5 (5 Customer reviews)
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This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Figueres 

  • 5.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer has submitted the following rating
    on 06/10/2017, travel period: August 2017

    highly recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 1238916

  • 4.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer Tobias B. wrote
    on 26/09/2017 in German, travel period: August 2017

    “Es ist eine sehr ruhigen und auf dem Land gelegene Gegend, mit dem Auto kommt man auch schnell in die nächste Stadt zum einkaufen oder zum nächsten Strand nach L'Escala sind es ca. 22km.”

    This review has been given for property no. 1238916

  • 4.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 01/05/2016 in German, travel period: April 2016

    “Figueres ist eine schöne Stadt und das Museum von Salvador Dali musst unbedingt besichtigt werden!”

    This review has been given for property no. 883045

  • 5.0 out of 5
    atraveo customer HKD has submitted the following rating
    on 25/04/2016, travel period: April 2016

    highly recommended

    This review has been given for property no. 883045

  • 3.0 out of 5
    An atraveo-customer wrote
    on 13/05/2014 in French, travel period: May 2014

    “Dans le village, une petite boulangerie-épicerie qui rend bien des services, ainsi qu'un restaurant. Sinon il faut aller à Figuerès mais ce n'est pas loin et rapide et l'on y trouve tout.
    Si vous venez avec des petits, il y a par contre plein de petites aires de jeux aux quatres coins du village et mêmes nos ados sont partis tous les soirs avec le ballon au pied au terrain de foot.
    A Figuerès le théatre- musée de Dali semble être passage obligé ! sinon petit détour au cap de Creus si vous aimez les jolis paysages ; en passant par Cadaquès.”

    This review has been given for property no. 658878

  • Figueres, Costa Brava

    Holiday home for max. 7 persons

    Property no. 3404539
    Approx. 160 m², 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, pets not allowed, TV, Internet, Wifi, washing machine, dishwasher, non-smoking property, sandy beach approx. 18 km